Why we love Northern smock fabric

In recent times if you follow our collections you will notice a decent amount of hand woven striped fabric in our designs. If you haven’t seen this before then let me introduce you to smock fabric from Northern Ghana also known as fugu material. Similar to Kente by the Ashanti, this fabric is woven with a pretty complex loom. It takes anywhere between a day to 4 days to complete a cloth of native smock fabric. They are woven in strips and sewn together.

It comes in a wide range of colours

We absolutely love this fabric for a number of reasons. Number one is that it comes in a wide range of colours and designs. True they are all stripes but the thickness and intervals make for very cool designs that have that added simplicity we know you love 😍 So far we have used about 6 different colour patterns and styles of smock fabrics for shirts and dresses. A little hint for you… We have more coming soon! Woohoo!

It is versatility

Another cool thing about Northern smock fabric is the fact that they can be used for both clothes and accessories! Did you see our Fugu multi backpack? Even though these are out of stock all you need to do is say the word and we will make some more! Our new collection of slippers have this cool fabric representing as well. We have a pair that matches a shirt we have so you can buy a pair to match with bae. Adorable right?

It’s unique

Finally the thing that makes us fall in love with fugu or Northern smock fabric the most is the fact that it’s not exactly common. Show me more than 2 people wearing a shirt or slippers at an event and I will give you a free gift! If any of them bought it from our Zedi shop it doesn’t count though 😁

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